
Showing posts from 2015


Watched my first episode of "tattoo nightmares". Here's their blurb..... "A tattoo is like a first impression: It better be right, or you may regret it. "Tattoo Nightmares" is about the bad experiences -- the downright ugly, embarrassing or hilarious inkings. Those people seek help from the best cover-up tattooists and go under the needle again to see if their nightmare can be altered to something dreamy. Re-enactments depict how the y wound up with awful "art." Warnings: Always hire a true professional for body modification. And think before you ink!" Speaking from my experience, most badass ugly tattoos turn into bigger badderass uglier tattoos when these guys decide to cover up. Check  this out. Seriously, Why would you not fade off a bad tattoo, then tattoo over. Everyone wins. If you are not happy with your tattoo or a part of it, consider fading the ink with 2 -3 sessions of Laser. It's safe, affordable and just logical. ...

HYPOpigmentation post Laser treatments

Hypopigmentation is the loss of skin color. It is caused by melanocyte or melanin depletion. Often, hypopigmentation can be brought on by laser treatments. Laser tattoo removal works because the tattoo ink pigment absorbs the laser energy, shuttering the ink particles into finer bits that allow the body to then carry it away. People with darker skin types ie. anyone who can eventually muster up a tan, can experience Hypopigmentation. Up until recently, we thought any Pigment loss would return over time. But cases are presenting where the pigment remains scarce. My approach is to tread carefully. Delay treatments till after summer, turn down the energy levels and encourage a little summer time exposure during the downtimes to see if we can re ignite the melanocytes. But wait ! Some claim the hypopigmentation can be treated with other lasers or light sources to re stimulate pigmentation in the area. Hmmmm.......Very hard to do!


Summer is here. Laser treatment people beware! Cover up all laser treated areas minimum $ weeks before and 4 weeks after the session OR wait till winter to have your treatments. To often we have peolple return with HyperPigmented treatment zones. "Oh, I went to Bali for a week.... I swear I had sunscreen on the area!" Sunscreen must be applied every 90mins or better still wear a T -shirt. The deal is the Hyperpigmentation does fade over the next 12 mths, but it can look kinda unusual. Hydroquinone creams can help the fade process, applied day and night. Anyway, we should stay covered all the time. The sun is the enemy. Paul