Watched my first episode of "tattoo nightmares". Here's their blurb..... "A tattoo is like a first impression: It better be right, or you may regret it. "Tattoo Nightmares" is about the bad experiences -- the downright ugly, embarrassing or hilarious inkings. Those people seek help from the best cover-up tattooists and go under the needle again to see if their nightmare can be altered to something dreamy. Re-enactments depict how the y wound up with awful "art." Warnings: Always hire a true professional for body modification. And think before you ink!" Speaking from my experience, most badass ugly tattoos turn into bigger badderass uglier tattoos when these guys decide to cover up. Check this out. Seriously, Why would you not fade off a bad tattoo, then tattoo over. Everyone wins. If you are not happy with your tattoo or a part of it, consider fading the ink with 2 -3 sessions of Laser. It's safe, affordable and just logical. ...